Monday 15 October 2012

Striking the right balance

Not an easy format for even the most experienced spokesperson but Vince Cable manages to pull this one off.

After a damning indictment by a spokesperson for the TUC about the Government’s proposals to change the unfair dismissal claims system, the Business Secretary manages to strike the right balance with his ‘live’ down the line, delivering a reassuring message about not going down the road of making it easier to hire and fire while highlighting the plight of small businesses being concerned about the cost of tribunal claims. He sounds reasonable and balanced and dare I say conciliatory. His use of phrases like ‘strike the right balance’ and ‘it’s a question of balance’ certainly help too, as do his first few words, which take the heat out the debate by suggesting that he is in broad agreement with the TUC’s position rather than against it. One to watch!

Smarts PR

Thursday 4 October 2012

One nation…one message

As Harold Wilson once said, ‘a week is a long time in politics’, and it’s true when you consider the impact of Ed Miliband’s speech  at the Labour Party Conference this week.

His ‘one nation’ speech was certainly well-delivered and his main message was unmistakeable. In fact, as this Channel 4 news clip shows, he managed to mention ‘one nation’ seven times in his introductory address. 

The clarity of his message is something that spokespeople could learn from when preparing for media interviews.

Of course, the ravings of party supporters will ultimately be balanced out by the comments of his critics – after all this is British politics. But the successful style and delivery of his speech has certainly made Ed Miliband seem a more credible leader than he did at the start of the week. That’s the power of effective communication.

Smarts PR